Saturday, April 23, 2:00 PM
Battle Creek Rec Center
75 Winthrop St. South
St. Paul, MN 55119
(651) 501-6347
The Rec Center is about 4 blocks west of the dog park just off Upper Afton Road. I you need directions, Google “Battle Creek Rec Center” or click on the map image.
Topic - Dog Parks: Do’s and Don’ts
A big dog park like Battle Creek can be a complicated place, given the huge number of people and dog visitors. The purpose of this seminar is to help you better understand the dynamics of our dog park.
The seminar will be conducted by Cheryl Gfrerer, a gifted dog trainer who will talk about the “do’s and don’ts” of a good dog park experience. Her comments will be specific to Battle Creek and along with other topics will cover canine body language, how we can better communicate with other owners about potential problems, and how to break up a dog fight.
There will be plenty of time for your questions, so tell your dog park friends and we’ll see you on Saturday, April 23 at 2:00 PM.
Jan Carr
[email protected]
cell: 651-341-8441
Facebook: Click on our Facebook Icon at the top of the page.
Battle Creek Rec Center
75 Winthrop St. South
St. Paul, MN 55119
(651) 501-6347
The Rec Center is about 4 blocks west of the dog park just off Upper Afton Road. I you need directions, Google “Battle Creek Rec Center” or click on the map image.
Topic - Dog Parks: Do’s and Don’ts
A big dog park like Battle Creek can be a complicated place, given the huge number of people and dog visitors. The purpose of this seminar is to help you better understand the dynamics of our dog park.
The seminar will be conducted by Cheryl Gfrerer, a gifted dog trainer who will talk about the “do’s and don’ts” of a good dog park experience. Her comments will be specific to Battle Creek and along with other topics will cover canine body language, how we can better communicate with other owners about potential problems, and how to break up a dog fight.
There will be plenty of time for your questions, so tell your dog park friends and we’ll see you on Saturday, April 23 at 2:00 PM.
Jan Carr
[email protected]
cell: 651-341-8441
Facebook: Click on our Facebook Icon at the top of the page.